
Castletown Golf Club

Entrant List for Simcocks Stableford Saturday 19th June 2021

117 players have been signed up for this competition as of 1:15 AM Saturday 15th March

Robert Adcock (35.6)
David Allan (8.3)
Matthew Ascroft ()
Keith Bernard (23.9)
David Bowen (14.3)
Trevor Boyles (13.0)
Robert Braide (4.0)
Stuart Brawn (13.5)
Callum Brookes (16.0)
Donald Buchanan (20.0)
Stuart Butler (21.1)
John Byrne ()
Tim Callow (14.9)
David Campbell (22.1)
Stuart Campbell (12.1)
Neil Cartwright (6.6)
Terence Cassidy (6.8)
Michael Charmer (-1.4)
Ashley Chase (14.4)
Kenny Chesterson (5.0)
Dylan Coady (1.6)
Richard Connolly (11.6)
Ricky Coole (Rowany Golf Club)
Juan Costain (5.0)
Paul Cox (None)
Sam Crawford (0.7)
Lord Creane (20.0)
Orry-James Creane (12.6)
Graeme Cryer (3.8)
Jason Cubbon ()
Andrew Dent (7.2)
Martin Derbyshire (10.3)
Terry Ditchfield (7.8)
Duncan Donald (10.8)
Scott Donald (-2.2)
Sean Dowling (14.3)
Christopher Dunn (21.0)
Paul Eckersley (7.0)
Wayne Egerton (15.4)
Keith Featherstone (11.5)
Oliver Fleming (27.4)
Stewart Fleming (30.1)
Richard Foden ()
Greig Galloway (Rowany Golf Club)
Phil Games (11.2)
Gerry Ganly (15.1)
Jamie Garrett (11.4)
Andrew Gerrard (3.2)
Douglas Grant (18.3)
Alan Harding (14.3)
Graham Harris (11.9)
Daniel Hattersley (4.9)
Mark Healy (21.9)
Mike Hewison (12.7)
Grande Miguel Horsthuis (9.0)
Andi Howland (5.7)
Chris Howland (4.6)
Shanon James (16.5)
Stephen Jeffers (1.4)
David Kay (17.6)
Stephen Keegan (7.8)
Brian Kelly (9.0)
Jimmy Kelly (13.8)
Rory Kelly ()
Michael Kinmond (11.4)
Andy Lagden (3.8)
Malcolm Lambert (12.6)
David Laughlin (12.6)
John Ledwidge (13.0)
John Lee (19.8)
Alex Lewthwaite (11.6)
Max Lewthwaite (12.2)
Wayne Lewthwaite (9.7)
Jerry Linehan (20.2)
David Litton (18.9)
Colin Edward Magee (12.5)
Jeffrey Magee (16.1)
Richard McAleer (19.1)
Kyle McConnell (12.7)
Michael McCord (10.7)
Samuel McCord (20.2)
Peter McKenna (25.3)
Ryan McKinley ()
Peter Miller (16.9)
Marc Mitchell (15.0)
Dennis Moore (8.4)
Gareth Morris (3.2)
Ross Mulligan (-0.3)
Guy Richard Murray (9.0)
Simon Murray (4.3)
Kevin O'Loughlin (Rowany Golf Club)
Anthony O'Mahony (7.5)
Guy Pickard (5.7)
Jonathan Potts (11.1)
George Powell (19.0)
Peter Purcell (13.5)
Paul Reid (8.0)
Jake Sansbury (6.0)
Guy Sissons (17.2)
Sam (Senior Club Champ) Skelton (3.9)
Ian Souter (9.7)
Martin Southgate (16.6)
Geoffrey Sugden (29.2)
Conor Taylor (11.9)
Mark Taylor (11.3)
Robert Taylor (11.5)
Mark Teare (5.9)
Francis Thoday (15.5)
Peter Thomas (12.3)
Peter N Thomas (16.1)
Chris Till (14.7)
Mark Todd (3.0)
Melvyn Todd (11.7)
William Van Der Merwe (18.3)
Chris Westerman (16.1)
Dan Williams (5.8)
Simon Willoughby (11.5)

Back to Simcocks Stableford Saturday 19th June 2021

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