
Castletown Golf Club

Entrant List for The Alan Christian Cup kindly supported by Island Aggregates Ltd Saturday 21st September 2019

102 players have been signed up for this competition as of 2:26 AM Saturday 15th March

Stephen Aird ()
Kevin Amphlett (11.0)
Chris Barnes (Port St Mary Golf Club)
Keith Bernard (23.9)
Brian Bodell (6.8)
David Bowen (14.3)
Steven Boyd (-1.6)
Gez Bradley (0.9)
Stuart Brawn (13.5)
Julian Brindle (16.8)
Sara Brindle ()
Stuart Butler (21.1)
John Byrne ()
Ross Byrne (11.0)
Martin Cairney (Mount Murray Golf Club)
Daryl Callister (-3.1)
Tim Callow (14.9)
Stuart Campbell (12.1)
Club Champion (-2.7)
Ashley Chase (Mount Murray Golf Club)
Kenny Chesterson (5.0)
Bob Clague (Peel Golf Club)
Richard Connolly (11.6)
Michael Connor (Douglas Golf Club)
Adrian Copley (10.5)
Jon Corke (0.8)
Chris Corkill (Peel Golf Club)
Adam Creamore ()
Richard Creamore (Mount Murray Golf Club)
Jason Cubbon ()
Mark Davenport (Mount Murray Golf Club)
Francis Doherty (4.8)
Tommy Doherty (5.9)
Tom Doyle (Mount Murray Golf Club)
Peter Easthope (5.6)
Brian Fick (Douglas Golf Club)
Paul Fick (Douglas Golf Club)
Jackie Fisher (Rowany Golf Club)
Stewart Fleming (30.1)
Phil Games (11.2)
Mair Gardner (Peel Golf Club)
Robert Gardner (Peel Golf Club)
Andrew Gerrard (3.2)
William Halsall (Port St Mary Golf Club)
Alan Harding (14.3)
Phil Hassall (Peel Golf Club)
Steven Hawley (Douglas Golf Club)
Chris Holland (Mount Murray Golf Club)
Anthony Hopkins (17.8)
Grande Miguel Horsthuis (9.0)
Andi Howland (5.7)
David Humbles (13.1)
Mark Jones (14.7)
Stephen Keegan (7.8)
Paul Keeley (5.5)
Chris Kelly (Peel Golf Club)
Michael Kinmond (11.4)
Andy Lagden (3.8)
Daniel Laughlin (8.4)
David Laughlin (12.6)
William Laughlin (11.4)
Kevin Madin (22.7)
Colin Edward Magee (12.5)
Richard McAleer (19.1)
Joanna McGarry (Rowany Golf Club)
Steve McGowan (5.4)
Peter Miller (16.9)
Andrew Mitchinson (7.0)
Ross Mulligan (-0.3)
Guy Richard Murray (9.0)
Simon Murray (4.3)
John Oates (Douglas Golf Club)
Ryan Powlesland (Douglas Golf Club)
Peter Purcell (13.5)
Juan Quayle (Peel Golf Club)
Iain Quine (4.5)
Robert Quine (15.2)
Chris Reynolds (8.3)
Graeme Rodger (Port St Mary Golf Club)
Stan Ryzak (Ramsey Golf Club (Isle of Man) Golf Club)
Jake Sansbury (6.0)
Tim Shallcross (12.8)
Doug Skinner (Peel Golf Club)
Chris Smith (Beacon Park)
Stephen Smyth (Peel Golf Club)
Greg Stalker ()
Robert Taylor (11.5)
Francis Thoday (15.5)
Peter Thomas (12.3)
Mark Todd (3.0)
Melvyn Todd (11.7)
Sam Tumblety (Peel Golf Club)
PJ Vermeulen (1.9)
Jon Wagstaffe (7.4)
Mark Walker (13.5)
Chris Westerman (16.1)
Jonathan Wild (9.3)
Richard Wild (15.5)
Dan Williams (5.8)
PAUL WOOD (Peel Golf Club)
Simon Wosser (Douglas Golf Club)
Steve Zybert (14.5)

Back to The Alan Christian Cup kindly supported by Island Aggregates Ltd Saturday 21st September 2019

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