
Castletown Golf Club

Entrant List for Mixed Midweeker 9 hole (1-9) Stableford Wednesday 31st October 2018

22 players have been signed up for this competition as of 1:16 AM Saturday 15th March

Alison Beech (24.6)
Keith Bernard (23.9)
Michelle Bowen (22.5)
Julian Brindle (16.8)
Sara Brindle ()
Stuart Butler (21.1)
Peter Easthope (5.6)
Jill Fleming (44.0)
Sandy Gibson (Rowany Golf Club)
John Guilford (Ramsey Golf Club (Isle of Man))
Grande Miguel Horsthuis (9.0)
Andrew Kewley (Mount Murray Golf Club)
Kevin Madin (22.7)
Terry Moore (Rowany Golf Club)
Rick ODonnell (10.6)
Elizabeth Pidgeon (Douglas Golf Club)
Mark Pidgeon (Douglas Golf Club)
Sharon Pope (34.2)
Robert Quilliam (Mount Murray Golf Club)
Andy Saunders (13.2)
Mark Walker (13.5)
Paula Westerman (31.3)

Back to Mixed Midweeker 9 hole (1-9) Stableford Wednesday 31st October 2018

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