27 players have been signed up for this competition as of 11:28 AM Saturday 15th March
Robert Adcock (35.6) |
Marlene Akitt () |
Alison Beech (24.6) |
Lisa Benham (Douglas Golf Club) |
Keith Bernard (23.9) |
Julian Brindle (16.8) |
Sara Brindle () |
Jackie Fisher (Rowany Golf Club) |
Les Gale (14.1) |
Mair Gardner (Peel Golf Club) |
Steph Gregg () |
Jane Holt (11.2) |
Anthony Hooton (28.3) |
Tony Jackson (Berwick-upon-Tweed (Goswick)) |
Tami James (24.8) |
Melanie Jansen (16.6) |
Raye Livsey (34.2) |
Bruce MacDonald (Clayton) |
Stuart MacDonald (Clayton) |
Kevin Madin (22.7) |
Claire McGuinness (29.3) |
Jackie Murley (Douglas Golf Club) |
Rick ODonnell (10.6) |
Andy Saunders (13.2) |
Elizabeth Stirling (25.3) |
Louna Vermeulen (21.0) |
Claire Walker (25.2) |
Back to Open Mixed 9 hole Stableford (1-9) Wednesday 3rd October 2018